Saving Snowman

Dear friends!
Christmas is just over the corner!
And we are happy to announce, that Saving Snowman Event are starting!

Events period:
1 December - 30 January

Santa's Helpers throughout Aden are begging for your assistance. It seems that Santa Claus has been imprisoned by the jealous and fanatical Thomas D. Turkey. Outraged by the treatment that he and his brethren have endured over the centuries, Thomas is holding Santa hostage in an undisclosed location to show the world that turkeys mean business. It is up to the citizens of this fair land to help free Santa. The fate of this and all future holidays depend on you. You must find Thomas and kill him using special weapon. Only then will Santa be free from turkey tyranny. Help Santa. And help save the holidays for us all.

In order to defeat Thomas D. Turkey, you must first obtain a one of several weapons available from Santa Claus. Santa's Claus can be found in all major towns across the land.

From Santa Claus, we can receive a Special Buff that lasts for one hour. It can only be taken every 4 hours.
Attention! The buff from Santa Claus, Holiday Scrolls and Christmas Red Sock overwrite each other, you can only have one at a time.

Thomas D. Turkey will spawn every two hours, but only for 30 minutes. It can appear anywhere in the world - even in inaccessible places.

Required items for the event will drop from all monsters around the world.

If we defeat him, Santa Claus will visit us and give a gift.

Double-click on the gift to receive one of the following rewards:
Christmas Red Sock
Christmas Tree
Special Christmas Tree
Chest of Experience (Event)
Agathion Seal Bracelet - Rudolph
Agathion Seal Bracelet - Rudolph - 30 Days Expiration Period

Using the Christmas Red Sock grants you a special buff.
Christmas Tree's can be placed anywhere and will remain until the server restart.
Using Chest of Experience (Event), we obtain Rune of Experience: 30% and Rune of SP 30%.
Agathion Seal Bracelet - Rudolph - We can only own 1 per character. If we already have one, the package will not give another.
Agathion Seal Bracelet - Rudolph - 30 Days Expiration Period - We can only own 1 per character. If we already have one, the package will not give another.

2024 is coming to an end!
Our team wishes you a Happy New Year, and we also want to wish that the coming year will bring you only pleasure, both in real life and within our beloved world of Lineage 2.

Last modified: 2024/11/30 14:47

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